Andon is a visual management tool to highlight the status of operations in each station at a single glance and to tell you immediately whenever something abnormal occurs.
Employing an andon with a signal cord, you will be able to identify the problems immediately and to take measures against them quickly.
Lean Zone control
Lean producers assign quality assurance to
operators and employ Erro-Proofing devices
within each production process in order to detect
the problems at the sources.
Andon (Japanese: アンドン or あんどん or 行灯) is a manufacturing term referring to a system to notify management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem. The centrepiece is a signboard incorporating signal lights to indicate which workstation has the problem. The alert can be activated manually by a worker using a pullcord or button, or may be activated automatically by the production equipment itself. The system may include a means to stop production so the issue can be corrected. Some modern alert systems incorporate audio alarms, text, or other displays.
Continues improvement