Organization for maintenance activity

Organization for maintenance activity Plant Management

3-6  Organization for maintenance activity

The maintenance function can be distributed to each plant and sector,or can be centralized at one specialized organization. or can be the combination of these two types Distributed maintenance organization can better match the needs of each plant in technology and skill and can be more agile in service.

Centralized maintenance organization can establish maintenance strategy more aligned with manufacturing and facility strategy and can have more advanced contents in budget and human resource development. The centralized maintenance organization can focus more on the improvement of facility rather than the mere repairing of it. The weak point of centralized maintenance organization is that it lacks the agility to respond to floor situation in terms of both time and distance.

The mixed maintenance organization has the advantage of these two types of organizations.
In large plants, each section has its own maintenance function. with production section doing routine self-maintenance activities.

The organization should establish the maintenance function strategically to fit its needs efficiently. It could possess specialized maintenance function for chemical Facility machining facility or for electric, chemical construction system.

Related tearms: Centralized maintenanceo Distributed maintenancct Mixed maintenance

Organization for maintenance activity


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