2-4 Small group activity

small group activity Plant Management

Small group activity

ln security, the most important matter is to observe what have been decided. However,the mere compulsion of office organization is not effective. Strong will and steady daily activity going to secure own workplace are necessary for safe hygiene activity.

No person is moved only by instructions and it is the important element to raise motivation.
A lot  of small group activity such as the QC activity has been done conventionally in Japan.
Therefore all members contribute wisdom and solve the argument by themselves when they face problem. way of thinking and sense of values that “such activity is important for both themselves and the workplace” is possessed jointly among them. That results in ¨Breeding of the safety culture¨.The small group activity is peculiar to Japan and it is said when such a voluntary bottom up activity greatly has contributed to the improvement of the safety management level.

Related tearms: Safety culturct Top-down QC circle


small group activity



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