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Plant Management

3-7 Training for Maintenance

Training for MaintenanceThe training for maintenance is different from other technical training in that that itrequires ...
Plant Management

Organization for maintenance activity

3-6  Organization for maintenance activityThe maintenance function can be distributed to each plant and sector,or can be...
Plant Management

3-5 Bath-tube curve

Bath-tube curveThe frequency of facility failures is higher at the beginning stage and at the later stage of its life cy...
Plant Management

3-4 Productive maintenance

Productive maintenanceOptimum maintenance should be conducted efficiently throughout facility life cycle.Break down main...
Plant Management

3-3 Initial facility control

Initial facility controlInitial facility control is conducted at the first stage of facility life- cycle. It means theev...
Plant Management

3-2.Facility planning

Facility planning 1.Invest evaluation methodWhen planning an investment it is dangerous to depend solely on past experie...
Plant Management

3-1 Concept of Facility Management

Concept of Facility ManagementFacility is the fixed asset to be used for a long time as management resource. Therefore t...
Plant Management

2-11 Occupational Safety and Health | Safety Management system

Safety   Management systemThe safe hygiene management system is the new structure, where the employer determines a serie...
Plant Management

Hazard prediction training(KYT)

Hazard prediction training (KYT)Hazard prediction activity is activity to practice measures to notice hazard, unsafe sta...
Plant Management

2-9 Work procedure

Work procedureConsideration on the occasion of work procedure making is described below.①Work procedure is to be accorde...